A recent study revealed a greener home can improve your health.

Take a look at this quick list of things you can do and let us know where you might start. We encourage incorporating several options, including plants native water-wise plants and lowering your water usage in and around the house.

Create A Greener Home

  1. Energy efficient light bulbs
  2. Plant based cleaning products
  3. Plant succulents in the garden
  4. Lower your thermostat
  5. Line dry laundry
  6. Switch sprinklers to drip irrigation system
  7. Replace grass with recycled artificial lawn or drought-tolerant landscaping
  8. Install water-wise appliances
  9. Install solar panels

There’s a lot you can do to create a greener home for yourself.

We recommend starting small and gradually working on improving areas of your home over time.

Read the full article here.

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