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Eco 72 Silver
Eco 72 Silver has been designed to handle both indoor and outdoor use. This deep-colored, well-balanced product is vibrant and can be used in a large array of applications.

Total Weight: ~76 oz.
Pile Height: ~1.5 in.
Backing: Polyurethane
Fiber: Polyethylene
Yarn Quality: DuraBlade™
Infill: 1-2 lbs / SqFt
Warranty: 16 Years
Roll Width: 15 ft
Blade Type: Wave

(ASTM D 5848-20) – Product Weight
Total Product Weight: 71.58 oz/yd²
Pile Yarn Weight: 42.78 oz/yd²
(ASTM D1335-17e1) Tuft Bind Strength
Result: 15.9 lbs/force | STC Standard: 6.8 lbs/forceg
(ASTM F2765-14) – Lead Content
Result: <0.5 mg/Kg | STC Standard: <100 mg/Kg
(ASTM D2859-16) – Pill Flammability
Result: 8 out of 8 Pass | STC Standard: 7 out of 8 Pass
(ASTM F1551-09) – Water Permeability
Result: 69.2 in/hr | STC Standard: Greater than 10 in/hr
(ASTM G154-16) – UV
Result: Color: 9 / Texture: 10
Ratings are on a grade scale of 1-10; 10 = Neglibible or No Effect, 9 = Very Slight
(80993G) – Lisport
Rating Description
1.0 None or Negligible
2.0 Slight
3.0 Moderate
4.0 Considerable
5.0 Severe

What is DuraBlade™ Technology?
DuraBlade™ Technology integrates raw material with a modern extrusion technique to create a molecular structure that improves fiber performance and durability.
Higher Durability
DuraBlade™ is 2X more durable than existing grades which means better resistance to high traffic.
Temperature Resistance
DuraBlade™ also has better resistance to high temperatures which allows better protection against the colors fading over time.
Product Installation Photos